Forum Discussion

KristiPhilli247's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Quiz Answers randomize & Character Select States Change?

Hi All!

I have two issues in my course on Storyline that I can't seem to figure out. I attached my course to this thread and would love some advice.

1: My first problem deals with my quiz layers. I have three slides for a scenario quiz (6.2, 6.3, 6.4). I made it so a layer fires depending on the radio button selected. My main problem is that the layers keep randomizing. If I choose the correct response, then the layer for the wrong response will fire. But then I'll replay the scene and then choose the same responses and then the correct layers will populate. It all seems random. I changed the option to not shuffle the answers and no difference has been made.

2. I have a page that shows three different characters. The user can click a character and then a layer will fire that gives more information about that character. Then, the user returns back to the base layer. My problem is that I made it so when a character is clicked their state changes to "Selected." However, when a second character is clicked (and the user goes to the layer and returns), the initial clicked character returns to their normal state. I want each character to stay in the selected state after their layer has shown. I hope this makes sense. This is on page 9.2 of my course.

I really would love any help. I have tried everything I could to get past these issues but nothing seems to work. Thanks!

  • Hi, Kristi,

    1. You're using the same variables (Response, Wrong Response, Irate Response) for multiple slides. Well, if Irate Response is set to True on 6.2, it'll still be True on 6.3 and 6.4. The program will show the layers in the trigger order. So it'll end on the "last" layer with a True variable. 

    The fix is to use unique variables for each question. Another option is to reset the variables to False at the start of each slide. 

    2. When items are in a button set, only one can be in the Selected state. That's the purpose of a button set: selecting one button/item automatically deselects all the others. 

    The fix is to remove the characters from a button set. Another option: use a Visited state instead of Selected.