Forum Discussion
Quiz in Rise - show incorrect answers only
Both myself and the students prefer the interface for the quiz in Rise. It also allows a one-stop learning material versus having to click on a separate component to do the quiz.
But one feature that's lacking is the ability to show incorrect answers only. I want students to know that their answer is incorrect without showing them the right one. Is this feature coming soon or do I have to settle for Quizmaker?
Hi, everyone! Now you can make quizzes more challenging. Show learners feedback without revealing correct answers! Find out how in this article. Enjoy!
- JoseMarafuzCommunity Member
Dear Articulate team, again reinforcing the different requests / gaps pointed previously - more than a year ago!
Rise "Quiz module" answers feedback has several basic design flaws. What is even more weird is that this same setup in Rise "Knowledge Check" works fine. How hard is it to replicate the code to the "Quiz" side of the house?
With all due respect, this doesn't look something admissible for the eLearning state of the art market software!
Hi there, Jose. I want to help! Can you tell me more about your setup with knowledge checks, and how it works differently from your quiz questions? You can also work with us directly here.
- JoseMarafuzCommunity Member
Hi Crystal, thank you for your note. I was on chat with your colleague Christopher (Articulate Support). He will raise the topic again to the attention of your development team.
- ErinKrebs-e1bddCommunity Member
Really like to have the feature of only showing incorrect answers, the quiz does not meet our company needs as it stands. Thanks
- Elena-CorinaOprCommunity Member
I agree, this feature should be implemented as soon as possible. Thanks
- ColinBarnett-00Community Member
Hi! What's the status with making the changes have been saying for more than a year now? I'm looking to recommend for my organisation but something so basic is very off putting.
Thanks for checking in, Colin. We haven't made changes to the quiz or knowledge check feedback options in Rise 360, but we'll share updates here if that changes in the future.
- ChristineConnolCommunity Member
I agree with the other comments. We need a Rise quiz tool that doesn't give learners the correct answers when they answer incorrectly - just an indication that their answer is incorrect. Given the number of threads and responses on this subject, it seems to be a feature that many of us require.
- LisaAgerbkCommunity Member
Hi there, this issue has been raised by customers of ours as well. Is there any plans to let producers edit the settings or to change the way the feedback is shown when doing knowledge checks? As others have mentioned, it would be preferred to have the option of removing the "Try again" text and/or preferably not revealing the right and wrong answers when submitting. Any news on this? Thanks.
Hi there, Lisa! I appreciate you checking in. While this isn't on our roadmap for new features right now, we'll let you know if that changes in the future.
- LindseyShepa484Community Member
Hi Alyssa, I know this isn't on the current roadmap, but I am chiming in to let my voice be heard! A current client has requested that the quiz in Rise show the learner the questions answered incorrectly without showing them the correct answer. Thanks for being our voice! :)
- MadisonZalk-42bCommunity Member
Wow. This request was logged over two years ago and the response is still the same. Sad.
- ShawnRosecnrlcoCommunity Member
We are requiring the same thing as we do not want the student to see the correct answer, if they in fact answer the question incorrectly. This is now causing us grief. Lots developed in RISE with no hope insight. The option of using quizzes built in Storyline and using them in Rise will not be tracked in the LMS. Is there any other option? My cross shift are I only into 1 year with the software, still learning lots ourselves. Our biggest hurdle is everyone loves the flow of Rise, but somethings are still restrictive.