Quiz Review unpredictable
I've created a quiz with the normal layers: Correct, Incorrect and Review. Since I wanted the feedback to be consistent, regardless what their results are, I put Feedback in a separate layer so I'd only need to edit it once. And finally, I have a top layer that puts a badge with either a checkmark or X to indicate if they got it correct or wrong.
When doing the quiz, it's showing all the correct layers and it's choosing the correct badge to match their results. However, during the Review, I'm getting really inconsistent results. Sometimes my badge layer isn't showing. Sometimes the title on the review layer vanishes.
If I retry the quiz (all wrong the first time, all right the second time), then do the review, it shows the wrong badge (if it shows a badge at all). and if I run the review a second time, then it's not even displaying the feedback layer.
I suspect it's an issue related to how it handles repeat visits to the same pages, but I'm not sure which layers need what setting changed.