Forum Discussion

JohanPacheco's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Radio Buttons for Language Selection with Submit not working, help!


Hi all,

I have 8 scenes, one for each language I'm using, and one scene with one slide that is the language selector. I have 8 radio buttons on that slide and a submit button. I need the submit button to take them to the corresponding scene for the language radio button they selected. All radio buttons are part of the radio button set.

I've tried:

Action: Jump to scene

Scene: Spanish Version

When: State

On: All of

Submit Button AND Spanish Version radio button CHECKED

Are: Down

I added a trigger to change the state of Submit button to Down when user clicks submit button and ensured it was 1st in the trigger panel. Didn't work.

I tried something similar using the selected state..

Action: Jump to scene

Scene: Spanish Version

When: State

On: All of

Submit Button AND Spanish Version radio button CHECKED

Are: Selected

I added a state of selected to the Submit Button. Moved it to top of Trigger Panel.

Added trigger to change the state of Submit button to Selected when user clicks submit button and ensured it was 1st in the trigger panel. Still Didn't work.

Any suggestions???