Forum Discussion

cherylpowers-33's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Reference to Slide Numbers: Progress through Project %

My goal is to add a progress indicator that didn't go backwards (down) when someone chose to view previous slides. I used an icon and added a reference to the icon that used slide numbers>progress through project % and used project order. I excluded the first scene which is a pretest to test out of the training and the user only gets one attempt. If pretest is failed, they have to take the training. I added the icon and reference to only the section dividers within the training course. 

This worked great in project preview and did exactly as it was intended to do, and most importantly, it did exclude the slides of scene #1 Pretest in the count %. When failed, it would only count my progress through the training content as planned.

Now I've uploaded my course to A360 Review, and that reference is showing as 82%  when I fail the pretest (10 questions) and get to the first section divider. It seems that the excluded slides aren't working in review. It also seems the count (82% progress) is also inaccurate in Review. Basically even if the reference wasn't excluding scene 1 pretest, it would not be 82% complete after visiting 20 slides out of a total of 72 slides, so even the % calculation is incorrect. If I choose to skip the pretest, and take the training, my reference shows ^% on the first section divider, and then all the others after that also show 6%.

Is this a known issue in Review 360?

  • Hi Cheryl,

    Happy to help!

    It looks like you've already gone through the steps listed in this article on how to exclude slides from slide counts

    We'll need to take a look at your project file and check how you setup the slide numbering for your course so we can better understand what's happening. Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case for testing? We'll delete it when we're done!