Forum Discussion

MathNotermans-9's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

References to SWF still in Storyline360 Output

Flash is dead and Adobe ended it. But why are there still references to swf in Storyline internal code when Flash and thus swf is dead ? Happening even when publishing to HTML5 only.

As seen in this image.
And the referred swf doesnot even exist in the published folder ??

Doublechecking it now with a clean empty project to be sure...

  • Checking it better it happens when you add a png to your project. A blank Storyline or one with only jpegs will produce output without any reference to swf. Adding a png and publishing as HTML5 and you will find reference to swf as seen here...

  • Thanks for the information and the testing, Math. I can see that this is an issue that has been reported to our team so I've added this conversation to the report.

    We'll be sure to share any updates with you here.

  • Hi, Math!

    I have great news to share! We are no longer seeing references to SWF files when publishing as HTML5, using our latest version of Storyline 360 (Build 3.72.29699.0).

    To make sure your software is up-to-date, please launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and select the Update button next to Storyline 360. I've included our step-by-step instructions here!