Forum Discussion
Removing or Hiding the Previous/Next Buttons?
Ok, after much ado I figured it out. You set all (in my case) ten rectangles states to 'drop correct' when they are dropped into their respective 'correct' columns. Then you change the 'next' button state to 'normal' (state set to hidden at start of timeline) when 'state' on 'All of' ten rectangles are 'Drop correct' I had to double check 'all' rectangles had their state set to 'drop correct' when dropped on the correct column. I had accidentally left one as 'normal' which prevented all ten being counted as complete. Happy with the results now. Thanks for your help here, you set me on the right course; the rest I figured out for myself - the best way to learn!
A real fiddle-faff, but now I feel a lot more confident about using Articulate :-)