Forum Discussion

PennySpacht's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Removing the extra space after a period in Rise

When we first started using Rise, it was common for designers to go "old school" and have two spaces after a period. Now our standard is one. Is there a way to remove this extra space "globally" from a course? Or does it need to be done manually?

  • Hi Penny,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I understand that the design standard has changed from two spaces to one. Currently, you have to find each instance with two spaces and delete one of them. But we have an existing feature request for a Find-and-replace feature in Rise 360 so you can automatically find each instance of two spaces and replace them with a single space.

    I've informed our product team of your need, and you'll be notified when this feature is added in a future release.