Forum Discussion

PierreJouan's avatar
Community Member
10 years ago

Replace image once to change its multiple occurences

Hello, been a long time...

I'm (re)working on a project split in multiple parts (say 20 .story files).

I need to change a picture in all those files. As it's the background of a top, foreground menu bar, it's been copied in every single slide of each file.

As Storyline has no library, I cannot update picture once for each .story file.

To make matters worse, Storyline "knows" this picture is unique because it appears only once as a swf in the output folder.

So, is there any workaround to dozens of "change picture" ?

- update and publish only one file and then find and replace the swf with the new swf-picture in any other published story folders

- explore .story source file and replace picture resource (have yet to find a way !)

- ???

Thanks !