Forum Discussion
Replay Button on Seekbar Not Working
Hi. A client has come back to me to note that the replay button on the right side of the seekbar doesn't work. I've checked it on both the Flash and HTML5 versions. I also can't find any triggers that specify the replay button, when pushed, should replay the audio for the slide. Can you help?
- PhilippeJEANTYCommunity Member
Actually while on the "wish-list" how about a Stop button that freezes the timeline too ? The more the player resemble the function of a old fashion DVD player the easier for users to adapt. And most of these should be options for triggers such as When user press XX stop timeline or restart timeline...
- JuliannaPerk312Community Member
Add my vote to this as well. Not having these options independent is creating issues when making course accessible. Thanks!
Hi Shel!
In some cases, you may notice that the Rewind button at the far right end of the seekbar doesn't actually start the slide over from the beginning. The behavior of the Rewind button is determined by the “When revisiting” property for each slide. See this article for details.
- MichaelGriffin-Community Member
So this means that we can't use "Resume saved state" in combination with the Seekbar? The slide will work -- except for the replay button which will be visible but nonfunctional?
Is this still the case? Are there are workarounds to either remove the replay button or make it function?
Thanks so much!
Thanks, Lyn, Apoorv, and Philippe, for adding your voice here!
- AnnDyellig-1018Community Member
My vote also goes to having the replay/rewind do just that. I don't want to have to set my page to "initial state" just to have it work properly -- the user shouldn't have to listen to the audio all over again if returning to the page. Thank you!
- cherylhartley-7Community Member
Please add my vote. Rewind should rewind the slide no matter what the other settings.
- Jean-Christo203Community Member
For replaying only the audio, I have came up with the following steps:
- Duplicating the audio file in the slide
- Have the original audio file plays normally in the timeline
- Add a trigger on a custom button to play the copy
- Add a variable that enable the Replay button to be clicked after the original audio file is complete
As for a Replay function, I feel like it's long overdue to get such a trigger, because right now, a user can either replay a slide everytime s/he revisits (reset to initial state) or cannot do so (resume saved state). There should be an option to replay a slide, even if you set it to "resume saved state".
- JaneeMolchanCommunity Member
Add my vote too. I'm disappointed to see this issue was originally mentioned 4 years ago and it still hasn't been fixed. At a minimum, there should be a way to remove the Replay button (independently of the seek bar) so that my learners aren't reporting that the player is "broken" because it isn't functioning (rewinding) as expected.
- StephenFeren348Community Member
For anyone using the modern player, you can hide the rewind/replay/reset button using javascript for any slides that you need to have the "Resume saved state" property enabled.
Set a trigger that Executes the following javascript when the timeline starts on any slide you want to hide the button.
document.querySelector('#reset').style.display = 'none';
Doing it this way currently doesn't require you to manually re-show the button on subsequent slides.
Ideally, we wouldn't have to do it this way because it's a flimsy workaround, so add me down as another vote for making this work as end users of the software and end users of the published files expect a rewind/replay/reset button to work.
- AndrewRobins635Community Member
I'm stunned to read all the community requests and Articulate staff obfuscation about this over several years and threads!
This should be on the roadmap! I would imagine there would be countless more 'votes' for this including in the last 20 days except it's apparent no one's listening now.
I'm using the javascript to hide the button (thanks Stephen), but learners want to click replay/rewind to review a slide, so why can't they?