Forum Discussion
Reporting number variable to LMS
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to track a number variable in the LMS using the Short Answer workaround. As it's a number, I've tried using the How Many option instead, but it doesn't seem to be working. Is this an issue with this work around, or is it likely I've done something else incorrectly?
Thanks in advance!
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
Perhaps this article will help:
- JoeP_iQCommunity Member
- LewFairbrotherCommunity Member
Hi Helen, did you manage to get this working in the end? I'm in the same boat at the moment. I just want to capture the data from 4 number variable on our LMS. I used the Short Survey for a Text Variable and it worked first try, but I can't replicate this for the number variable.
- BrianAllen-LNRSCommunity Member
Hello Joe - you really do need to use the Short Answer survey question type for this method to work.
The process is a little backward, but once you figure it out it makes sense. Let me know if you'd like to connect and work through the details.
- JoeP_iQCommunity Member
Thanks for your reply, Brian - ah, that's frustrating. Would the How Many option not work the same way as the Short Answer?
How would I go about doing that, as it's a number variable?
- BrianAllen-LNRSCommunity Member
What is your use case for what you're trying to accomplish? Note that your standard test/quiz questions that are attached to a results slide will automatically pass their values to your LMS.
A use case for this process might be something like a custom-built interaction, that will produce a result you want to record in your LMS, but because it's not a standard quiz question you need to use this work around.
In this scenario, you would store your value in a variable (whatever type of variable fits your data). Then you would use the process described at the link Judy shared in her comment above, create a hidden short answer survey question, create a trigger to populate the answer of that survey question with the variable from your custom-built interaction, and then add that survey question to the results slide for your course.
- LewFairbrotherCommunity Member
Hi Brian - I wonder if you can help. I'm trying to add a Number Variable to the Short Answer Survey, but the variable doesn't appear in the Trigger Wizard. I was able to add a Text Variable without any trouble. Not sure what I'm missing here.
"Set ActivistScoreEntry to variable ActivstSCORE (Number) When the timeline starts on this slide"- BrianAllen-LNRSCommunity Member
Unfortunately I'm able to replicate the issue you're describing... it appears that it is currently impossible to use a number variable to set the value of a text variable, which is surprising to me.
I don't feel like it has always been this way, and that I have successfully done this in the past, but I very possibly could be wrong about that.
- BrianAllen-LNRSCommunity Member
I'm wondering if using a javascript trigger would make it possible to use a number variable to set the value of a text variable?
I'm not super familiar with using javascript in storyline but I plan to look into this. The basics would seem to be: Get the current value of the number variable, and update the text variable (i.e., survey question text entry variable) with the number value.
- LewFairbrotherCommunity Member
Hi Brian,
Really appreciate you looking into this for me. Glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing this, although I was hoping it was me doing something wrong.
I will look into Javascript although I'm not that familiar myself. I've replaced the slide with a How Many interaction instead, I'm not expecting it to work but will give it a shot. - LewFairbrotherCommunity Member
Hi Brian, I just wanted to let you know I tested the 'How Many' survey question and it worked! I'm able to see colleagues' answers (Numeric and Text) in our LMS. I've attached screenshots of how I set it up.
Short Survey for Text EntryHow Many for Numeric Entry
- BrianAllen-LNRSCommunity Member
This is good to know, thank you for sharing your testing here, along with your detailed notes, I'm sure this will be helpful for many the community.
- JoeP_iQCommunity Member
Hi everyone,
I did eventually find a Javascript workaround for this, in an old comment on this community (thanks, AstutisArtic013!) . I used the code listed in the comment below and it converted my number variable into a final score that was able to be tracked by the LMS.
Submit Final Score to LMS Without Using Results Screen | Articulate - Community
- BrianAllen-LNRSCommunity Member
Glad you were able to find a solution! Funny we had finally gotten around to considering javascript solutions and you were days ahead of us lol