Forum Discussion

RobCaine's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Reset questions 5 times

Looking for some help, i'm currently moving all of our Elearning over onto Storyline 360 from another provider. We currently allow colleagues to attempt compliance validation questions a maximum number of 5 times before being "locked out" and have to reach out to the training team to add in additional attempts. Is there a way i can do this in Storyline?

I have added in button that will reset the questions after 1 failed attempt so they can have another go but i need to lock it down so that colleagues don't continually keep resetting the questions without intervention from the training team.

Is there a way i can disable the button after it has been pressed "X" amount of times?

  • That is possible. 

    • Create a number variable with a default value of 1. For example, let's call it Attempts.
    • Add a trigger that adds 1 to Attempts when the user clicks the Retry Quiz button.
    • On the Results slide, add a trigger that disables the Retry Quiz button when the timeline starts with the condition that Attempts >4. Other suggestions for Results:
      • Add a trigger that shows a message explaining that the user doesn't have any more attempts and will have to contact the training team to reset the course. In addition to the condition about the value of Attempts, this should be based on the user not passing. Thus, the message could appear on the Failure layer. 
      •  Add a completion trigger on the Failure layer that indicates Incomplete/Failed when the timeline starts with the condition that Attempts >4. That would look like this: 

    Caveat: All that work would be in vain if you set the course to "Prompt to resume." That option would let them say "No" (that is, don't resume), which would start the course as if they were taking it for the first time. Then again, if the course has restricted navigation, they would have to step through the entire course again to get the quiz. Still, that would also mean they'd have to start all over even if they just left the course a bit before the quiz to take a break. So there's no perfect option.