Forum Discussion

MfmediaIndia's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Reset Incorrect question and Reset all question.

Am having issues with the "Reset Results" slide trigger.

I need both:
1. the "Reset Results" resetting only the incorrect questions and
2. "Reset Results" all the quiz trigger

to work in my module. But am not able to add this trigger. When I add the "Reset results" with "Reset only incorrect questions" and "Reset results" alone in 2 different buttons, the "Reset only incorrect questions" check box automatically changing to both the buttons.

Is there a way to stop this.

I need the "Reset Results" with "Reset only incorrect questions" and "Reset Results" which will reset all the questions.

  • Hi there, I had the same question recently and reported it to Articulate as I thought it was a bug. They informed me it is not possible to have two different triggers (Reset all and Reset incorrect only). Once you change one trigger, it updates the other to match.

    This is the response I got:

    "After running several tests, it appears that what you experience is an expected behavior. When trying to create quiz action triggers like Review and Reset results, multiple triggers with the same action will get updated as well since they are linked on only one Result Slide. 

    Unfortunately, we don't currently offer this feature to separate the same Reset result action trigger on one Result Slide to allow authors to have buttons that function differently, like resetting only the incorrect questions or the whole quiz interactions. However, I submitted a feature request to our product team on your behalf. You may have already received a confirmation email for it."