Review 360 comments will not load into the new Storyline 360 x64 Comments pane
Hi, I've had the new Storyline updates for a week or two now and am loving the refinements and new options!
I am having one issue, however. Review 360 comments do not load into the Comments pane, no matter if I'm networked by wire or air. Clicking Reconnect many times does not address the issue. This a project that is confirmed to have comments entered in Review 360 on specific slide when checking through a browser, and I am attempting to load comments for that slide in the .story file.
My company has very stringent Internet security systems and I suspect that may be the problem. The Articulate website and sub-domains are allowed when I access the website in my browser, however the Storyline application may be making a call out that is getting blocked because of the type of call/command, how it is structured, etc.
Have any other users reported this yet?