Forum Discussion
Review quiz setting
Hello Sherry1 Li,
Thanks for reaching out!
You'll want to review the triggers linked to your custom navigation buttons to see if you have their destinations 'hardcoded' into them. An example would be a trigger for the next slide to 'Jump to the next slide when user clicks on Custom Next button'. In this scenario, the trigger will not know when you are in review mode or not, so it will simply just do what its told when clicked on, which is to move the learner to the next slide.
You'll need a way to tell the 'Jump to slide' trigger to skip certain slides, and one way to do this is to use True/False variables to mark questions that have been correctly answered, and then use trigger conditions to skip slides with variables that have certain values.
Since this inquiry is design related, there may be better solutions out there. I'll leave this one to the community to see if anyone is willing to share their own solutions on how they addressed a similar design situation. If you're interested in seeing the solution that I shared, feel free to share a copy of your project file here and I'll be glad to make the necessary changes to your file.