Forum Discussion

StuartJohnst781's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Rise - Assessment Feedback

Hi All

We have a significant amount of feedback from users expressing frustration that when completing our multiple choice assessment in Rise - if they get an answer wrong, they have to re-take the entire quiz, and they are not notified which answer was incorrect...

Have explored Rise "feedback" functionality, but can't seem to find a suitable solution.  Feedback - 'by choice' option seems the most suitable, but we found that the feedback on the user's answer selection doesn't display.  Feedback - 'correct/incorrect' option could also work, but unfortunately it reveals the correct answer to the user.

The ideal use case we are looking for is either:

1.  The student completes the assessment and is notified which questions were incorrect. 

2. The user completes the assessment and any incorrect questions are asked to the student again (so student doesn't have to re-do questions they got correct).

3. Upon submitting the incorrect answer, the student is given feedback about why their answer is incorrect (without revealing correct answer).  Student is then given an opportunity to re-take the question immediately or at the end of the assessment.

Does any one have any tips on how to achieve this?


  • LauraMcErlain's avatar
    Community Member

    Following!! 😊

    I think it would be a great feature improvement for the learners to only have to re-attempt the incorrect answers. We receive the exact same feedback from our learners that are frustrated by having to attempt the entire quiz again. 

  • Hi , is there a way to show feedback based on whether the learner passed or failed an assessment, where we have multiple attempts enabled? 

  • Hi there Kavitha,

    It sounds like you're talking about reporting within the learning management system. Currently, if the learner retakes a quiz multiple times without closing the course, Rise 360 will send only the last attempt's quiz score to the LMS. The LMS won't show multiple quiz scores if the learner never left the course.

    Also, I've added this discussion to our feature requests to:

    • Retry only incorrect answers
    • Review the quiz at the end, including feedback and correct/incorrect answers
    • Allow a question retry before moving to the next question

    Something that wasn't here is our latest quiz feedback options, which include the option to provide question feedback without revealing the correct answer. You can read more about your quiz settings here!