Forum Discussion
Rise - Code snippet syntax highlighting
I wish to know if it's possible to have highlighted syntax whenever you add a code snippet block, or if there's any other possible way to have such a feature, like for example embedding an object from any other tool.
Thank you!
Hi there, Backbase. The code snippet block is not like a regular text-based block, and it doesn't include additional formatting features.
I'm curious to see what other input you get from the community about including highlighted syntax in Rise. Would capturing an image of your formatted code and inserting the image into Rise work for you? Here's a comparison.
- BackbaseICTCommunity Member
Hi Crystal,
first of all, thank you for your reply!
An image would not be the best solution because we're a Software Company so that we need to teach some code. In order to be effective, we need our users to be able to copy and paste parts of the code.
A code snippet, as we see it, has the good feature of being able to handle long lines of code, without text wrapping.Why not add a WYSIWYG editor to it? For the moment, would be effective enough (in order to highlight in bold, for example).
In any case, the best solution would be: 1. being able to choose which Programming Language 2. being able to highlight some lines or parts of the code snippet, like in bold or any other way.
We are very satisfied with Rise, anyways!
Thank you all and best regards,
Thanks Alice, that's a great insight to share with our team!
- RockyLittle-297Community Member
Is there any plans to integrate this feature?
Hi Rocky! Changes to the code snippet block aren't on the immediate roadmap. We'll let you know if we make any enhancements.
- RockyLittle-297Community Member
Hi all, I just want to bump the level of importance this feature request will be in time. This is precisely what I'm asking for here:
- MarcoMadrazo-edCommunity Member
Hi. Any updates on this feature set yet? Syntax highlighting in code is a "must have" for a lot of us working in tech. Thanks!
- SteveDelFanteCommunity Member
I agree with Marco on this. It would be good to have a widget or modify the code snippet tool to look like a Linux terminal that we can apply courier new font to and apply a black background with white text.
Bonus points for including code syntax highlighting (for bash at least).
Thanks, - EvelienSchil692Community Member
+ 1 on this feature to make it more useful (color / highlights for parts of the code).