Forum Discussion

MattWagner-a2d5's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Rise & Number of Attempts

I have a course that I've tried to export to both SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 (4th Version).  The SCORM Reporting Setting is set to Passed/Incomplete.  The number of retries for the quiz is set to 2. 

In both SCORM Cloud and our Cornerstone LMS, the system will recognize when a learner has exceeded the # of attempts.  Also, I've seen that the Rise course will pass the highest score achieved.  What isn't working is the number of attempts being reported.  This value always stays at 1.  

Why doesn't the course update the # of attempts being made by the learner?

  • I've also noticed that when testing with SCORM Cloud that the attempts are not behaving correctly.  They act as a single attempt.  There 5 questions in my quiz.  However, there are 10 cmi.interactions showing in a single attempt rather than 5.  If you drill down, you see the reattempted questions showing as additional cmi.interaction attempts.  This doesn't appear to be correct.  Shouldn't the cmi.interactions reset for each attempt?

  • Hi Matt! I see that you have opened case 03057734 and worked with Jan. If you need further help, please feel free to reply back to him!