Forum Discussion

JonWhiteley-138's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Rise 360 Video Timing

Hi, I have a number of short video's embedded in Rise 360 lessons.

I have two questions relating to the video's.

1) Can I make the video auto start or delay the auto start for a few seconds?

2) As an example a video may last for 1min 40 secs. Is there anyway to limit / control the function / availability of the 'Continue'  button on the bottom of this lesson until the video has fully played.


A willing beginner.....




  • In the edit settings of the continue button, you can set it to be locked until the block above it is completed.

    • JonWhiteley-138's avatar
      Community Member



      Thanks for your quick reply, even when I have the 'Continue' button managed by 'Complete the content above before moving on'  when I play the video it still shows a 'Continue' Button and allows the user to click past the video.

  • The image you shared is the locked continue button. That should be unclickable until the video is complete and then the continue button will become enabled.

    You said: when I play the video it still shows a 'Continue' Button and allows the user to click past the video.

    If you don't see the locked continue button and it allows you to continue without completing the video, you can connect with our support team.

    However, if you want to share a link to that lesson we can test it and see if it's working as intended before you connect with support.

    • JonWhiteley-138's avatar
      Community Member


      Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I have now made the continue button a locked version (see attached screen grab) however when I enter the preview mode the continue button remains 'normal', so I am a bit lost. 

      Happy to share the lesson, how do you want me to share the URL???


      Thanks, Jon

  • I see the video is from YouTube and not one uploaded to Rise. Unfortunately, we have no control over the YT video and how to track completion of the external video inside of rise. That's why the unlock feature doesn't work.

    • JonWhiteley-138's avatar
      Community Member


      Thanks, I now understand, perhaps Rise can be developed to have a built in
      timer, so the continue button only becomes available after a user defined
      number of minutes and seconds.

      Just an idea.



      Jon Whiteley

      MP Connect Coordinator & Logistics Compliance Manager - South West


  • This isn't a perfect solution, however, you could leverage a Storyline block. Insert the YT video via Storyline. Create an offscreen timer that would unlock the continue block after X time.

    In the example below, I put the youtube video on a storyline slide. Then I added a timer that counts down seconds. When it reaches X seconds, I mark the course complete which unlocks the continue button. In this example, it unlocks after 10 seconds.