Forum Discussion

MicheleMicha759's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Rise Course published in SCORM 2004 Ed2

We created a Rise course and published it in SCORM 2004 Ed2.  We have the passing score as 80% and the quiz retries set to unlimited.

If the person passes the course on the first try there are no issues and score is passed in the LMS.

If a person fails the course the first time but passes it on their second try, the LMS shows failed still.

We aren't sure why the retry with a passing score is not passing the completion.

I'm attaching a picture of the setup.

  • Hi Michele! Thanks for sharing that screenshot of your export settings. Nothing here sticks out as out of the ordinary. I would suggest testing your course on SCORM Cloud to pinpoint if the issue lies with your LMS settings. If the course works on SCORM Cloud, then you can let your LMS admin know and they'll be able to assist you with the specific configuration you need on your LMS for unlimited retries. 

    If this doesn't work on SCORM Cloud, please open up a case with us here.