Forum Discussion
- AndrewSmith-032Community Member
While having this as a native capability would be better. Rise is pretty easy to tinker with after publishing. We regularly inject custom css and js into scormcontent/index.html to override and extend Rise
For example you can hide the feedback ticks and crosses with:
/* Hide multiple choice correct/incorrect choice indicators */
.quiz .quiz-card__feedback--active .quiz-card__feedback-icon {
display: none;
/* Hide multiple response correct/incorrect choice indicators */
.quiz .quiz-multiple-choice-option__indicator svg,
.quiz .quiz-multiple-response-option-wrap--complete .quiz-multiple-response-option__indicator svg {
display: none;
/* Hide fill in correct/incorrect indicators */
.quiz .quiz-fill__icon--visible {
display: none;
/* Hide matching question correct/incorrect choice indicators */
.quiz .quiz-match__list--results {
display: none;
/* Normalise the choice border so that it doesn't give away the correct response */
.quiz-multiple-response-option--incorrect.quiz-multiple-response-option--selected .quiz-multiple-response-option__border::before {
border-color:#50abf1 !important;
/* Hide Acceptible Response */
.quiz-fill .quiz-fill__options--visible {
display: none;
/* Darken the feedback text to make it more legible */
.quiz .quiz-card__feedback-text {
color: #313537;
/* Hide final speed dial with the score */
.quiz .quiz-results__results,
.quiz .quiz-card__feedback-label {
</style>Please note: The above is slightly edited to what we use in production. We inject custom classes so we can target questions precisely and I've tweaked the above a bit to make it more generic, but it should work for most cases.
Dropping the above into index.html and customising to your needs will solve many of the issues identified in this thread, but with a bit of javascript you can do lots of things like:
- Hiding the final speed dial and replacing it with a general message (when you don't want people to know how they have gone)
- Turning fill-in questions into reflection questions where they are marked correct regardless of what people enter (you can even send their full response to the LMS)
- Changing multiple choice questions so that the value scored isn't binary true/false. For example choosing "C" might be scored as 100 (best answer) but choosing "A" might be scored as "50" (acceptable, but not the best response).
Rise is by far the best authoring environment currently available (and the only truly responsive option). It would be nice if it got a bit more love from Articulate, but because it's just html + css + javascript, the great thing is you can add many new features yourself while you wait for them to be added to Rise core.
With a bit of backend wizardry you can even auto-inject your extension logic so you don't have to patch by hand.
- MortenSkoglundCommunity Member
We are not useing a lms. I tried to add the multiple choice line into the index.html file but I'ts not working? Im using this line. Where should I insert it in the file?
/* Hide multiple response correct/incorrect choice indicators */
.quiz .quiz-multiple-choice-option__indicator svg,
.quiz .quiz-multiple-response-option-wrap--complete .quiz-multiple-response-option__indicator svg {
display: none;
}- AndrewSmith-032Community Member
Hi Morten, while I don't use the web publish option myself and I haven't spent any time testing it until now, the css I suggested above works for me when I publish for web? If you only want to hide the feedback indicators for multiple response (checkboxes where you can choose more than one response item) then you just need to paste the code snippet you highlighted right before the end of the style block that is already in index.html.
If you want to escape other question types (like multiple choice) you'll also need to include the css for the other question types you are using.
My sample code works as of today but it isn't guarenteed to keep working in the future as class names change, so if the sample code stops working at some point, you will need to use your browser's inspector to see what the new path to the asset is that you'd like to hide and update the css accordingly.
- AlexaQuinnCommunity Member
This is helpful, Andrew - thanks!
- DeidreWitan-50cCommunity Member
Thank you so much for this detailed explanation! Do you happen to have a resource for how to create custom classes? That would be super useful for us.
- AndrewSmith-032Community Member
Hi Deidre,
There's no way to do this in the Rise web editor, so we do it via javascript. The only tricky part is working out how to uniquely target the element you want to add the class to. I use the built in developer tools in FireFox/Chrome, but it's a bit trial and error. Once you have a css path to your element then it's pretty straight forward to include some javascript as outlined in my original post like this:
let quiz_card = quiz_feedback
.querySelector('.quiz-card__interactive > div:first-child > div:first-child');
if (quiz_card) {
- bastienbouch759Community Member
That Articulate peoples did'nt yet catch the importance of the "no right answer" option is beyond me, frankly. Anyone involved in education know this. As an organisation in higher education, this problem alone is enough to make us look elswere for an e-learning solution.
Accordeon option is not appropriated because we can't track answers this way.
- DarrenNashCommunity Member
I have just requested the same feature but I doubt after 2 years of the initial request being ignored it will be done. We use self assessment questions in courses where there are no Correct or Incorrect answers but the users get a bit confused when the get a Correct or Incorrect feedback. There should be an option to facilitate this type of question.
- LauraDines-4d03Community Member
Any update on this thread? This would be an incredibly useful feature for self-reflection.
- HollyKidson-bb2Community Member
I would love to see this feature added as well! I would like to, specifically, create matching or sorting activities that allow learners to match/sort according to their preference, and then receive generic feedback along the lines of "there's not a correct/incorrect way to sort these items, choose what works best for you and your situation".
Hi Holly!
This sounds like a good opportunity to build the interaction on a Storyline 360 drag-and-drop slide, then import it into Rise using a Storyline Block!
You may find a good matching template slide on our Downloads page. 😁
- DeidreWitan-50cCommunity Member
Adding a vote for this feature it seems easy enough to add an option to remove things from the feedback box
- KirstinMitchellCommunity Member
This really should be to be added to the roadmap! A simple thing, but so important...
- NicoleLegault1Community Member
Hi there Connie!
Thanks for question! You can clear the `Incorrect` and `Correct` text labels in the course Settings, however, the check mark and X icons still appear in feedback. an option to hide those labels/icons in feedback would be a good feature request, please do feel free to submit a feature request here . Thanks :) Let us know if you have any other questions!
- LisaTorley-61ceCommunity Member
Hi Nicole,
Has there been any update on this? This would be a really useful feature.
Many thanks :)
Hi Lisa! Tell me more about what you're looking to do.
Do you want to create a quiz or knowledge check question that has no right answer? Or, do you want to separate the answer reveal from question feedback?
- LisaTorley-61ceCommunity Member
Hi Alyssa,
Yes a question that has no right answer, it could in fact be multiple of the shown answers and therefore wouldn't require correct/incorrect feedback.
I am aware that you can remove the correct/incorrect text but not able to remove the icons - is icon removal upcoming in any updates?
Many thanks,
Hello, Lisa. Thanks for clarifying. It sounds like this option would be focused on knowledge check blocks since there is no correct or incorrect answer. We don't have a pending release to offer that option, but we'll let you know if that changes!
In the meantime, I like to use Accordion blocks to reveal "feedback" based on each accordion item the learner opens, especially if there's some nuance between the choices.