Forum Discussion

Tim_'s avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Rise labels

I have a number of courses that, when published, use specific wordings set under Settings > Labels. The thing is, these transcend the course and apply globally against my account. So the wording is present in the next course I export. This is not always to my liking and sometimes I forget I have to change them all back again for the labels required by the course/client.

Is there a way to backup/restore these values OR make them unique for the course being edited OR make it obvious if they have been changed?

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Tim,

    A key point to understand regarding Labels, is that labels are firstly associated with your Articulate account.

    When you create a new Rise course, it will always use the default English label set (unless you specify otherwise).

    Potentially, all your courses could end up using the same label set.

    So when you edit the label set in one course, because those labels are also used by several other courses, those changes will immediately apply to all of those courses as well.

    However, you can create a unique label set for each course should you choose to do so. Here are the steps.

    Open the course the requires a unique label set.

    Choose Settings / Labels. You will see the name of the Label Set currently being used by this course.

    To the right of the label set name, click CREATE NEW, type a new name and click OK.

    A copy of the existing label set will be now made and saved under the new name.

    Edit the new label set as required.

    At the moment only this course uses this label set, but because the label sets belong to your account, when you now access any other course of which you are the owner, the new label set will be available and can be selected.

    So all of your courses could use the same label set, or all of your courses can each have it's own unique label set, or groups of courses can share a label set. It's entirely up to you.

    Another thing to be aware of, because Course Labels are firstly associated with the account of the course owner, if you transfer ownership of a course to a team member, your unique label set  will not travel with the course and the labels will revert to the default, unedited, Rise English labels.

    Once again, because Course Labels are firstly associated with the account of the course owner and secondly associated with a course, only the Course Owner can edit or change the Course Labels.

    Once you have created at least one custom label set, you will see that the labels in the drop-down listed are grouped:

    User Label Sets at the top

    Built-in Label Sets at the bottom

  • TessaMaki's avatar
    Community Member

    I just ran into this exact same issue and found this thread to be very helpful - thank you! (One minor change to the instructions is the button you need to click is CREATE NEW rather than create name.)

    I do think it would be very beneficial for Articulate to add a note or warning at the top of the Labels Page to indicate how these work. Since edits to Theme and Navigation impact the course you are editing only, it never occurred to me that the changes I made were impacting. It also would be good to note the impacts of changing course ownership on Labels. That right there is enough to make me hesitate to ever change them again.

  • hkanstrm's avatar
    Community Member

    If this is by design . i am afraid of the design mindset, Listen to this...

    Everything with a course is "by course",  except labels - it is "connected to account", however labels does not transfer if you transfer it to another account.


    This is to me, something wrong in the design.

    But thanks to the posters that brought this up. 

    I have simply said dont touch the labels.. but i absolutely see use cases which would enhance the content and user experience  if the labels could change.