Forum Discussion

EricAllen-03543's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Rise vs Storyline

As a longtime Storyline user (2, 3, 360), I was wondering if Storyline and Rise are more or less competitors for the same type of use/application, while simply targeting a different type of developor/user for creating the content/courses? 

Or do these applications have completely different output types and practical uses when deployed?


  • Hi Eric! 👋 Welcome to the community! To go along with what Judy shared, Rise 360 and Storyline 360 can both help you create online training or resources, depending on your needs. Here's an article to see what kinds of projects our customers generally build with each app.

    Both beginners and experts use Rise 360 and Storyline 360 for different purposes. Since you're already familiar with Storyline 360, here are a few resources on how the community creatively uses Rise 360 for other needs. 

    Hope that helps see the different use cases and opens up some new possibilities for your needs. 

  • Probably many (most?) courses could be developed in either platform and still be useful and engaging. (And, let's face it, there are probably numerous courses in both platforms that the world could do without...) 

    As a longtime Storyline user (1, 2, 3, 360), I like the level of control it gives me. It also provides more options for tracking completion. 

    However, I also understand the need for simple, quick development. And for responsiveness to playing on different devices. Those, to me, are the main benefits of Rise. 

    The final choice of which to use has to consider those variables, along with the needs of the intended audience, the functionality of the LMS/LRS platform, and, oh yes, the budget.