Forum Discussion
Royalty Free Music
I found these a few months ago while scanning portfolios. A fellow at one site dropped a track behind his demo reel. Some of this stuff is really great quality. May come in handy for some polish work when you just don't have a budget. The best part is it's all royalty free and under creative commons license.
- ZaraOgdenCommunity Member
I found this link looking for free music...
Brainy Betty...
- MaryRoseClaudioCommunity Member
Just what I was looking for! Thanks so much! :)
- RandyBorumCommunity Member
FreePlay Music is one of my favorites:
- JeffreyKaferCommunity Member has really good stuff called StackTraxx. They don't advertise them anymore, but if you call them they have them. Layered music so that one song can be used in a bunch of different ways. And usually pretty cheap, too.
- JeanetteBrooksCommunity Member
Steve, thanks for posting that site! I have used Kevin MacLeod's music on a few projects (he is the artist who shares his stuff via that site). I think it's so cool that he is willing to share his work so freely, even for commercial use.
Another source for audio is Although the downloads cost a little bit, the prices are pretty reasonable (especially if you by a larger package) and they're royalty-free.
- JamesBrownCommunity Member
I've snagged some movie and audio clips from the public domain archives.
- TaraJohnson1Community Member
Stock Music Boutique has some very cool tracks too
- NitaVenterCommunity Member
Just found and excellent resource: 30 Creative Commons Sources
- GFCommunity Member
Here's another site for Royalty Free Music:
You can also get individual songs at:
- LeahHemeonCommunity Member
I've used ccMixter for some short tracks. I even downloaded a couple of songs for my own listening pleasure.
- GFCommunity Member
Forgot to mention that PartnersInRhyme donates a portion of every purchase to charity: