Forum Discussion

BridgetteKelly's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Scoring Issue with Freeform Hotspot Questions

Hello All,

I’ve been working on a 6-slide assessment sequence that consists of 3 Freeform Hotspot questions and 3 Freeform Text Entry questions. It’s a multi-part question that is part of a 21-slide graded assessment Scene that includes a Results Slide. See Question 9. a) to f) in the attached extract of the Scene “Assessment Module Scene_Q9HSBug_BKelly.story”.

If the user answers a Question 9 sub-question correctly, by clicking the correct hotspot or entering the correct text, they jump to the next slide or Question 9 sub-question. If the user answers incorrectly, they jump to Question 10 to continue with the rest of the assessment. The Next Button / Swipe Next Player Trigger button jumps the user to Question 10.

I’ve encountered quite a few hiccups along the way while developing this assessment sequence! My colleagues and I have been working through the wrinkles together for a couple of weeks now. While we have managed to get the slides to advance properly, a bug has emerged with the hotspot sub-questions: 9. a), e), and f). They’re graded as incorrect, whether the user has clicked correct or incorrect hotspots. We're crowdsourcing for assistance, as any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanking you in advance,


  • GarthYorko-TE's avatar
    Community Member

    There were two issues affecting the scoring for the Hotspot questions.  I created 4 incorrect hotspots and surrounded the Correct hotspot rather than put the correct hot spot "on top of" the incorrect hotspot. Then the navigation worked.

    The second issue was with your results page. If you look at the Quiz Settings, there is a check box on the bottom of the dialog bx to only score viewed questions. Since it is possible to skip questions, this seemed to work.  

    See attached.

  • (Had some trouble replying there...) Thank you so much for your speedy reply, Garth! I created 4 incorrect hotspots instead of the 1 incorrect hotspot at the top of the timeline and this solution appears to have fixed everything. The navigation and scoring are both correct. 

    I didn't end up checking the "Only score viewed questions" box on the Quiz Settings dialog box because even if the learner skips questions, we want those unanswered questions to be calculated as 0 towards the final score.