Forum Discussion

StorylineDev571's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Scorm 1.2 package from Storyline is not working with Cross-Domain, but another package of Scorm1.2 from is working fine

Hi Articulate,

We received a notification from our client that they are using AWS Cloudfront and OpenEDx for hosting their course. I have attached a Scorm 1.2 package published from that is working fine using the cross-domain but any Scorm 1.2 package from storyline 360 published is not working. Even it never plays and gives a CORS error. Please suggest if anyone has faced the same issue and found a solution for the same.

  • Hi Storyline Developer!

    Sorry to hear you've run into this setback!

    Have you had a chance to test your Storyline-published file with SCORM Cloud? If it plays as expected when testing in SCORM Cloud, then the issue is likely LMS-related. If you encounter the same errors when testing in SCORM Cloud, please share your .story file so we can have a closer look. Feel free to attach a copy here in the discussion or privately through a support case.

    In the meantime, I'll open the floor to our community, who may be using the same LMS, to offer additional insight!