Forum Discussion
SCORM 1.2 Suspend Data--Seems Wonky to My Pea Brain
Hey Justin -
When the data is truncated, it will consistently drop back to about half of the slides. So I suspect the compression is somewhat serial in nature as *some* of the slides are being tracked as visited when the data flows over the limit. Since variable strings are stored uncompressed, I suspect most elements are compressed in chunks / blocks.
I haven't yet started poking around the methods used to compress and decompress the string. Knowing what order things are compressed, as a model, could help with construction decision-making. For example, what restore states / layer properties / variables, etc.. could be set to optimize the string.
The storage of question data is also a bit of a conundrum. It seems like it's storing the full string of the response rather than the state of the selected choice. Seems like there's some optimization to be had there, as the player shouldn't care about anything but the state of the choice for review.