Forum Discussion

EdwardWhitti908's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

SCORM Activity Completion Issues!

Any Articulate Storyline / SCORM gurus?

I appreciate SCORM can be an unreliable beast, but I'm trying to establish the best way to ensure as accurate activity completion as possible.

When I first started building with Storyline, I exported courses with Reporting as "Completed/Failed", with the Tracking as "Track using quiz result" based on the Results Slide (and then Moodle settings as needing the activity to be "Passed, Completed"). Doing this, we have experienced quite a high rate of users not registering their activity as having been completed, despite reaching the results slide and/or returning to the course to re-complete it in the hope it would then mark the activity as complete, to no avail.

I now export the courses via Storyline Reporting as "Complete/Incomplete" and Tracking as "Track using number of slides viewed" (with Moodle settings the same as above), but are still experiencing some activity completion issues.

Can anyone advise me as to the best way to ensure as near 100% accuracy as possible when it comes to activity completion? I'm struggling to see why something used so widely can pose such unreliable results! What am I missing?!