Forum Discussion

Ann_AVH's avatar
Community Member
12 days ago

Scorm pakkage to big for my LMS system

I use Rise 360 to make an e-learning to upload in our LMS system.

Our LMS pakkage allows max 258 MiB.

I resized my mp4 with handbrake to a file of 65.656KB and uploaded it with the multimedia button in a rise360 template.

When I download my lesson to a ZIP (Scorm)  Articulate resizes my viedeo (mp4) to a much larger size, without changing anything in the quality of the video.  It does not fit into my LMS anymore.  The ZIP that I received afterword is more than 258MiB.

I can't make the videos (mp4) much smaller, the quality is not usable anymore.

Is there anyone who has a suggestion for this problem?


  • Hi Ann_AVH,

    Happy to help!

    Other factors, including high-definition images, audio, and video files in your Rise 360 course, could also contribute to the file size. I recommend opening a case with our support team here so we can request a copy of your course and see if there is a way to keep it under the 258 MB limit. We'll keep an eye out for the support case!

    • Ann_AVH's avatar
      Community Member



      I have already opened a cast Your Articulate Case # 01010695

      Uploaded my file there

      Hope to hear from support soon