Forum Discussion
Screen Readers reading MP4 file when using the 'Record Screen' Storyline feature
I have noticed that the screen-reader (NVDA) reads out a bunch of numbers and letters as if reading out the alt-text when I am on a slide of storyline that was created using the 'screen record' feature, when published and viewed in Rise 360.
e.g. it reads out: 66jdiekaf100lek3o.Mp4
Naturally, I tried to edit the alt-text for it as you would an image - but because it is a screen-record produced, there is no layer in the timeline for the background.
It seems I cannot edit the alt-text or uncheck the box for 'Object is visible to accessibility tools'. I have gone into the Media Library as well and cannot find the long-winded file name or anything that is of MP4 format.
I made a project with the screen record feature last year and feel this was not a problem before as it was approved for accessibility in my department previously.
So my questions is:
Is there a way to find and change the MP4 alt-text for slides made with the record screen feature so that the project is deemed accessible?
Thanks team!
- elizabethPartner
Hi Ali!
Even though the text is grayed out when you right-click on the MP4 of the screen recording on the slide and go to the accessibility tab, where it says "object is visible to accessibility tools", as long as that box is checked, you should be able to adjust whatever the Alternative Text is. I couldn't get my NVDA to read out that assortment of letters and numbers but I was also testing in a published version, and not in Preview in Rise.
Otherwise, if you could share your course I would be happy to look closer at it!
- AlisaDempsterCommunity Member
Thanks for your reply Elizabeth.
I did mention in my post that I can't select it as a layer to get to your proposed solution, as when you screen record the slides in, the recording does not show up as a selectable mp4 layer.It's kind of just embedded into the layer without a source you can refer to, to adjust its accessibility status.
- elizabethPartner
Sorry if I misunderstood, Alisa! Screen recordings don't usually get inserted into a layer, just on the base layer. So are you saying there is no object on the timeline with the screen recording? You may want to send your file to Articulate support at if you are not able to share it here.