Screen Readers reading MP4 file when using the 'Record Screen' Storyline feature
I have noticed that the screen-reader (NVDA) reads out a bunch of numbers and letters as if reading out the alt-text when I am on a slide of storyline that was created using the 'screen record' feature, when published and viewed in Rise 360.
e.g. it reads out: 66jdiekaf100lek3o.Mp4
Naturally, I tried to edit the alt-text for it as you would an image - but because it is a screen-record produced, there is no layer in the timeline for the background.
It seems I cannot edit the alt-text or uncheck the box for 'Object is visible to accessibility tools'. I have gone into the Media Library as well and cannot find the long-winded file name or anything that is of MP4 format.
I made a project with the screen record feature last year and feel this was not a problem before as it was approved for accessibility in my department previously.
So my questions is:
Is there a way to find and change the MP4 alt-text for slides made with the record screen feature so that the project is deemed accessible?
Thanks team!