Send module progress to LMS (Cornerstone)
Hello everyone,
I'm in a bit of a bind because I recently created a Storyline module (with STL 360) and my client would like to see the module's progress go up in his LMS. I've tried several techniques find on forums or more generally internet (using the score, using several Js codes to execute...) but none of them seem to work.
The latest one, which seems to me to be the most complete, after reading a Cornerstone article on the subject (here's the link), is as follows:
In the first module slide, I create number of objectives (corresponding to the units) using a Js code :
// Define the number of objectives to be created
var number_goals = 36;
// Loop to create and send each objective as incomplete
for (var i = 1; i <= goal_number; i++) {
var objective_id = "objective" + i;
// Send each objective as incomplete to the SCORM API
var success = lmsAPI.Set("cmi.objectives." + objectif_id + ".id", objectif_id);
success = success && lmsAPI.Set("cmi.objectives." + objectif_id + ".status", "incomplete");
Then, at different stages of the module and as I go along, I update the status of each objective (in order) using this code:
var lmsAPI = parent; // Connect to the LMS API
// Identify the objective to be updated
var objective_id = "objective1"; // Modify according to the specific objective to be updated
// Update objective status to "completed
var success = lmsAPI.Set("cmi.objectives." + objectif_id + ".status", "completed");
The latter doesn't seem to work either... Does anyone have any experience of this problem and a solution?
Thanks for the future help!