Forum Discussion

TinaDenmark-558's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Show layer issue

I created a course with Continue button triggers to show layers in the slide. The triggers function fine, except on my Reference slide.

Reference has four layers. The base, first, and second layers have a Continue button triggers to show the next layer. Layer three has no button, but is set to show the base layer's visited button. For some reason, the button is live.

I have the same setup throughout the course and the last layer only shows the base layer's visited button. The trigger does not work, just shows the visited state.

Attached is a storyline zipped scene of two slides. The second slide works as intended.

Can someone help me understand why the Reference slide, layer three is live?


  • The button is live whether or not the button has a visited state, it still has a trigger. What I'd do if you don't want the continue button to work it to either

    • create a trigger to hide the button when it's clicked and when they get to the end there will be no button visible (or don't show it on that layer)
    • create a disable state and trigger it to that state when clicked

    If that's not helpful let me know. I may have misunderstood what you're trying to do.