Forum Discussion

EdwardAgadja170's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

*sigh* Storyline once again is glitching

So I'm simply trying to place an object in the very front of many other objects, and for whatever reason (go figure), as soon as I drag it to the position I want it in, the object disappears behind another object and disappears from the timeline altogether where I can't even track it. 

What's going on here?

(Yes, there's always a (tedious) workaround, and I can simply create a new shape instead of duplicating another object to exist as a new object, but that takes more time, and time is precious, and efficiency is always critical.)

EDIT: Suddenly, it's just the copy + paste function that's not working anymore. Any new object that's created from duplication just disappears after being dragged. Unbelievable...

  • Hi Edward, 

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this behavior.

    We're not seeing this issue reported by our other users so I'd like to do some testing to verify if this is a bug. 

    Would you be willing to make a Peek 360 recording of the behavior you're experiencing so we can attempt to recreate it? We'll work with our product team if we verify that the behavior is a bug. Looking forward to hearing from you!