Forum Discussion

RobinDisbrow-f4's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Slide Layers VS Quiz Layers


I am in the process of building a course. This course has quiz slides and slides with layers. We have enabled the seekbar so that learners can see how long a slide is...  Due to compliance reasons, we have to force learners to spend X amount of time on certain slides with triggers set on the next button to enforce that they stay on the slide x amount of time.

I haven't gotten a very straight answer from pouring over the help content in the Knowledge base for Articulate, and support has just been linking me to those articles so maybe a Storyline Wizard can help me better understand the function of slide layers vs. quiz layers. 

 Why is it slide layers get one base level seekbar, but quiz layers get a new seekbar when a question is answered correctly or incorrectly? (I attached a sample of the two slides to further illustrate this behavior). 

How can I get the next page button (on Slide 1, Layer 3) to better sync with the over all seekbar of the full base layer slide?  Is there a way to get a slide layer to behave like a quiz without making it a quiz? 

Please let me know if you can assist because I am getting so burnt out on this. 

  • The first thing to do is to change the layer settings for both the Lorem Ipsum and Ipsum layers. Set "Allow seeking" to Yes.

    Open the Player properties and then select Menu. From the Menu tab, select the gear icon (Additional options). From there set the navigation settings to Restricted.

    You may also want to change the timing of the Down arrow on the timeline to appear after the required time to remain on the base layer, and the other 2 layers.

    I also created a button mask (transparent shape) to cover the right-hand button icons to prevent the learner from bypassing the time limit on each layer. I left the outline visible so that you can find it easily. Just remove the outline before publishing. See attached.

    • RobinDisbrow-f4's avatar
      Community Member

      @Garth Yorko 

      Thank you so much for replying.  This makes A LOT of sense! 

      I have an additional question for you if you can answer it!  Due to this being a compliance course, we need to restrict learners to "not scrub" the timeline... Meaning they can't fast forward through a slide. Wouldn't the "allow seeking" option allow them to fast forward through the slide's timeline? 

      I am thinking that maybe adding a trigger to those arrows would be a good idea too.

  • The restricted navigation means that they cannot move ahead in the menu or by scrubbing the slide timeline. They can revisit pages they have completed and scrub the timeline, but cannot for pages they have not already viewed completely.

    You don't really need a trigger for the arrows, you can control when they appear on the base layer and other layers. Just move the start time for the arrows to when you need them to be clickable.

    • RobinDisbrow-f4's avatar
      Community Member


      Thank you SO much! I really appreciate this. This could be the solution to all my problems!