Forum Discussion

PetarIlic-d489a's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Slides inserted as Step by Step (Try Mode Steps) not working in Review360


I have created several courses using "Step by Step" insert slides option (mostly for demonstration and practice on how to use software) and they worked perfectly with Review360 and customers were able to leave their comments and requests for fixes. 
However, since approx. 3 weeks ago, these are no longer working and customers are not able to review courses. 
When entering a scene created with step by step option, only the first slide works as intended (user clicks the hotspot and course advances to next slide) however, users get stuck on second slide of the scene (clicking the hotspot doesn't do anything).
In Preview option and if published to CD, courses work as intended.

I tested the above on several different PCs and used Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge and results are the same.

Has anyone experienced similar issue?



  • Hello Petar!

    I don't see any recent reports about this behavior with Step by Step and Try Mode interactions in Review 360. Would you mind sharing the Review link so I can see the behavior? You can either share it in this public discussion or include it in a support case to share privately.

  • Hello Lauren, 

    Thank you for your reply. I'll include it in a support case as I cannot share client's content publicly. However I'll be happy to share resolution once we have it here so it helps others who may have experienced similar issue.