Forum Discussion

AdamMahoney's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Sneaky stock text in XLIFF

I've noticed recently that stock text from Rise --


Finding a way

Where the road leads, I will go. Along the stark desert, across the wide plains, into the deep forests

I will follow the call of the world and embrace its ferocious beauty

-- will on occasion appear in an XLIFF file exported from a Rise course, even when that stock text has been deleted or replaced by custom text.


Anyone else experiencing this? Any way to diagnose?

  • Hi everyone! We fixed the issue where hidden placeholder text was sometimes included in exported XLIFF files. You should no longer run into that placeholder text when translating your Rise 360 courses. 

    Let us know if you run into any further trouble with this! 

  • Hi Adam! 

    The filler text came from a block type that can be converted to other blocks. For example, if you add a Paragraph with Heading block, then change it to a Heading block, the paragraph text is preserved in the background in case you want to switch it back. 

    However, if you've deleted the filler text and replaced it with your own custom text, then I wouldn't expect the filler text to appear in your XLIFF file. 

    If you can share your XLIFF file with our team here, we'd be happy to take a closer look!

  • GlenMurdock's avatar
    Community Member

    I just had a question from our translator about this very same thing! Interesting that the text hides within the XLIFF file! Glad it's just Lorem ipsum. I was a bit baffled when they asked about it - we're not usually so prosaic in our training materials. 

  • Hi, Glen! I'm sorry to hear you've run into this issue. We have this documented as a possible bug, and I'm adding this discussion to our report. We'll be sure to keep you posted on any updates! 

  • GlenMurdock's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks! It's not a huge deal, we just told our translator not to worry about that text. I'll post here if it actually displays somewhere in the course when we re-integrate the XLIFF file with Rise.

  • Hi everyone! We fixed the issue where hidden placeholder text was sometimes included in exported XLIFF files. You should no longer run into that placeholder text when translating your Rise 360 courses. 

    Let us know if you run into any further trouble with this!