Forum Discussion
Solution: Storyline block for text input and save to cmi.interactions (SCORM 1.2)
If the RIse developers are watching - yes the community would like updates in this area.
But , It should be done in rise as blocks and functions, not via storyline insert.
But thank you Sam for sharing and showing it can be done.
I had hoped when starting to use Rise that all the interactions possible in storyline, including likert, would be made possible very soon for Rise as well. Turned out not to be the case. Why, i dont know.
Rise is due for a major update in that regard. I would even suggest that they offer an advanced section of blocks that can be expanded on frequent basis. based on user needs.
Its not like it takes years to create these blocks, test and implement. So hoping to see a major update with relevant functionality blocks this year. At the very least to be on par with storyline.
I agree and would love it to be a Rise functionality.