Forum Discussion
Start button on player screen
Hi guys! I have a question about the Storyline 360 player. In some situations I create files that when published the screens already appear in the browser. In other cases, a screen appears with a button to click and start. Why does it happen? And how do I control this so that this button does not appear.
- MariaCSStaff
Hi, Dimitrios.
Thank you for reaching out!
You will usually see the play button if you have audio or video on the first slide of your Storyline project. This article will explain why you see this behavior on modern browsers.
In those scenarios, one option to avoid the Play button is to insert a blank slide as your first slide and add a trigger to jump to the next slide when the timeline starts.
Keep in mind that this will also be browser-dependent, and while it might show the slide without the Play button, it might still require the user to click on the screen to hear the audio.
I hope this answers your question!
- StephenVCommunity Member
I have no audio/video on 1.1 and it's happening. I checked the slide master also to be safe.
Using SL360 - v. 3.82.31354.0
Hi Stephen!
Sorry to hear you've run into this issue!
Our development team is tracking a known bug that causes:
- Play button shows even if there is no media file on the first slide and there is closed caption
If you're comfortable sharing your .story file, I'd be happy to take a look and confirm that you are being affected by the same issue. Feel free to upload a copy here in the discussion or share it privately in a support case.
We'll delete it from our system as soon as we finish testing!
- MikeImageCommunity Member
I have the same issue after updating to the latest version. No Audio on my first slide and a play button is present.
- StevieVCommunity Member
Another thread shows to roll back to the Nov 7 update to remedy for now. I did and it worked. That’s our annual $1,099 at work! 😂
- Sandeepsoni-b2cCommunity Member
Hi, I am also facing the same issue I even don't have audio or video from the first two slides, please get into it ASAP.