Forum Discussion
States not changing when triggered
I have images with three states: Normal, Hover (shadow added when user hovers over the image), and Visited (grayscales the image). The user is to click on each image which triggers the state to change to Visited, then jump to its corresponding slide. Once all images have their states changed to Visited, a button is to appear which allows the user to progress to the next slide.
The problem is, the states of the images are not consistently changing to Visited. It works in Storyline when previewing, but once published to Review and Rise it does not work as intended.
Any suggestions?
I can attach the Review link if anyone thinks it could help.
2 Replies
Remove all the triggers that change the state to Hover or Visited. Those are built-in states, so the functionality is automatic. When you add triggers that are supposed to do what the program will do on its own, that can mess things up.
P.S. A Review link wouldn't be helpful. For troubleshooting, it's best to upload a copy of the .story file.
Yep that did the trick. I (mis)read this in another thread and thought they meant to delete the states themselves.
Thank you, Judy! Have a great weekend.