Forum Discussion

RussLickteig's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Story View side bar stuck off the screen.

Hi...I some how moved the side bar panel for Story View and now it's stuck off the screen.  I have tried restarting SL and the PC.  Please help.  How is this even possible?


  • FYI: The VIEW ribbon has a Redock All Windows button. Click that, and all the panels (Scenes, Timeline, States, Notes, Triggers, Slide Layers) will return to their default positions within the main Storyline window. 

  • RussLickteig's avatar
    Community Member

    Wow...just fixed it.  If this happens to you select the side of the box and drag it out making the box wider.  When I did this it popped back down into the screen area.  From there I was able to redock it.  

  • MaryLacroix's avatar
    Community Member

    I just had this happen to me and widening the panel by dragging worked -- thanks! (I knew that I ran into this problem before but I just couldn't remember the fix.)

    I like to detach my Triggers panel and move it to my second monitor, which is in portrait mode. Increasing the height of the panel lets me see all my triggers without scrolling.

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Thanks for sharing that widening the triggers panel by dragging worked on your end, Mary! I'm sure other community members using the same workflow as you will find this helpful!

      Enjoy the rest of your day, and happy developing! 🙂