Forum Discussion

ThorJormun's avatar
Community Member
12 years ago

Storyline - multi-SCO course.

Is it possible to author a multi-SCO course?

SCO = Shareable Content Object ( see SCORM ).

Currently, I'm only able to author a single SCO course, ie - one launch file. Would like to launch topics seperately.

Thank you.

  • BerniceMerced's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello, I am also interested in a multi-sco feature. I see this is a feature that has been requested/needed as far back as 9 years ago. Is this feature possible?

    On a related note, there is a way to manually create multi-sco package from multiple scorm courses. I'm familiar with this as this was something we did prior to Articulate Rapid Tools, back when we hand code html and flash courses.

    However, my question is more on how can we link one sco to another from within the content using Storyline / Quizmaker?

    i.e. The initial sco would be a Quizmaker quiz that I'd like to link to the other scos depending on the results. Do I point to the other sco manifest file in order to launch it?

    (Link below for those still interested in how to manually structure a multi-sco package, I found this link in my quest to refresh my memory)


  • Hi, Bernice.

     I see this is a feature that has been requested/needed as far back as 9 years ago. Is this feature possible?

    This is still an open request with our team, so I don't have any news to share on this feature. 

    I will update this discussion if this request makes it to our feature roadmap. 

    • BerniceMerced's avatar
      Community Member


      In the meantime, do you know how to link one sco to another from within the content using Storyline / Quizmaker? Do I just use a link to file and point to the other sco manifest file in order to launch it?

  • Hi Bernice, 

    There is a method that you can try to add multiple SCOs in the same course, and that is to add the SCOs to your course as web objects. You'll want to publish and upload your courses to your LMS individually, and then use the web object feature to add multiple SCOs to a single course. When prompted to add a web object in Quizmaker 360, you can use the link to the course generated by the LMS. Keep in mind that we don't officially supported this method, so we'll have to wait until the feature request is completed for an official method to be available.