Forum Discussion

KatherineRayn's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Storyline 360 - Complex text input scenario

Hi Everyone

Hoping someone can help...I am trying to create the following workflow, I have worked out step one and two, but hoping someone can help with step three

Step One (slide one) - 5 text input fields - where the learner puts in their thoughts

Step two  (slide two) - the text entered into each text input field is displayed and the learner  and the learner can select 2

Step three (slide three) - Only the text of the two select fields is displayed

I think to achieve this I will need to use javascript, but I am new to javascript and am hoping someone has built a similar workflow and can help me.


  • On slide two, when the learner clicks [whatever moves them to slide three], BEFORE the “Jump to...” trigger, create these triggers:

    Set [NewVariable1] to blank

    Set [NewVariable2] to blank

    Set [NewVariable1] to [OldVariable1] if [OldVariable1] state = Selected AND [NewVariable1] = blank

    Set [NewVariable1] to [OldVariable2] if [OldVariable2] state = Selected AND [NewVariable1] = blank    Etc. for all five

    Set [NewVariable2] to [OldVariable1] if [OldVariable1] state = Selected AND [NewVariable1] is not = blank

    Set [NewVariable2] to [OldVariable2] if [OldVariable2] state = Selected AND [NewVariable1] is not = blank       Etc.

    Jump to Slide three, which will show NewVariable1 and NewVariable2.