Forum Discussion
Storyline 360 files cutting off text when viewed on mobile
Hi, thanks for getting back to me!
It seems to be pretty consistent across the browsers I've tried and definitely seems rooted in how accessible font is displaying within the text areas which seem to crop anything that falls outside of them. I actually think it might be to do with the specific font I need to use.
Fortunately I've found a decent work around this morning so if anyone else is having the same problem here's how I've got it working in my case! (I haven’t tested it in all eventualities yet but seems to be working so far)
I've made sure to be using 'display accessible text by default'.
I've made every text box centre aligned on the vertical access (select 'middle' in align text).
I've ensured there is plenty of padding in the text boxes to the top and bottom, even where this means they overlap.
This has kept the text away from the edges of its bounding box even when it changes size slightly as a result of different viewers or browsers and has so been a good work around for mobile viewing in my case.
Thanks again for getting back to me!