Forum Discussion
Storyline 360/Storyline 3 - Bookmarking on LMS
Hi there, Phil. It sounds like you might be having trouble with the resume behavior in Internet Explorer. Is that right? Tell me a bit more about what's happening.
The original issue Elliott described has been fixed in an update, so I want to be sure we give you a hand if you're still having a problem!
I am evaluating 360 as a possible solution for larger courses, so bookmarking (resume) is necessary.
I set the Resume function in the 'Other' tab, but it did not work.
Is there anything else that needs be done?
What update fixed this issue? I am currently running v 3.21.17083.0
Philip J McCormick
Phil McCormick
Project Manager/ISD
Global Engineering Training | Vehicle Integration | 586.879-5239
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