Forum Discussion

RaymondM's avatar
Community Member
11 years ago

Storyline and HTML5 video & audio?

Having recently developed a traditional webpage that contained video and audio, I was well aware of making available .mp4/.ogg/.webm video formats and .mp3/.ogg audio formats for different browsers.

Versions of Firefox do not play .mp4 video and .mp3 audio files.

Anway, I have been developing a small Storyline project that used .mp4 video and .mp3 audio where the final output would utilise the HTML5 version and NOT flash. During my developments I remembered the issues with Firefox and so converted my video to .webm and audio to .ogg and used them in my Storyline project, thinking that this would make the final output more compatible with various web browsers.

However, after publishing I looked at the output folders and noticed files had been created for .mp4 and .mp3 with no .webm or .ogg files visible - assuming Storyline had converted my media files to these formats.

Is this something I should be concerned about or have I missed something?