Forum Discussion
Storyline and JAWS - setting course up and testing with JAWS
I work for the government so accessibility is a must. I am having the same problem that Laura Davies originally posted about. I have the course set up but JAWS doesn't recognize or read the content, whether I press Tab, enter, arrow, or other keys one might expect to trigger JAWS to start reading. It reads the URL out loud, names of IE tabs, name of the module, and if I use a mouse (not allowed-everything has to be keyboard accessible) I can get JAWS to read some of the text boxes on the screen. It just keeps saying "tab" out loud every time I press tab, but doesn't go to the various tab-ordered elements on the screen, including the navigation/player. While I'm a sighted user, I've taken JAWS classes and test with JAWS, so I know a bit about how this should work. It is not straightforward.
Dom-what did you learn from your work experience student? What's the trick to getting JAWS to read the module content to screen reader users?