Forum Discussion
13 years agoCommunity Member
Storyline and JAWS - setting course up and testing with JAWS
We have a course for a client that needs to be 508 compliant. We've been learning Storyline along with the rest of you (and likely, not as quickly), and trying to set it up correctly to also be 508...
7 years agoCommunity Member
Is there any update on the issue of JAWS reading "Use the up and down arrows to change your selection"? I'm wondering what is telling JAWS to read that and if there is any way to get rid of those erroneous instructions. In my experience, pressing the up and down arrow keys does nothing; users need to press "enter" or the spacebar to select the radio button, but even then JAWS reads, for a T/F question "True Radio Button Not Checked" even when it is. Using Storyline 3.