Forum Discussion
Storyline and Moodle Review Mode
Something will be setting the users attempt status (cmi.core.lesson_status) value to 'completed', 'passed' or 'failed' - according to the SCORM 1.2 spec a re-entry should be in "review" mode. You need to look at why your scorm package is setting any of those values when the user has not "completed" the package.
If it is being set as "failed" - it may be that you have a mastery score set within your SCORM package - you might want to disable the "mastery score overrides status" setting:
Hey Dan, hopefully you are still around. Just wanted to say thank you, setting the mastery score to "no" worked for me. You're an absolute legend, thank you 😊
- ColleenTurkingt8 months agoCommunity Member
Hi. I tried resetting the Mastery Score to "no", but it is still putting the course in "Review Mode". Is there a way to turn this off so that a learner can go in and re-do the course whenever they want to?
Thank you