Storyline block in Rise
I builded 3 pages in Storyline to add in Rise as a Storyline block. The 3 pages have interaction with each other but have to be showed separately in Rise. When I use them in 1 Storyline block it works, but when I use them in 3 separate Storyline blocks they don't work (the interaction don’t work than). Is there a way the make this work or is this not possible?
What I want to make: On page 1 you can click on several buttons (as start assignment) in Rise you see only this page. On page 2 you can click on several buttons (as end assignment) in Rise you see only this page. On page 3 you see the comparison between de start and end assignment.
When I upload them as 1 project to Review 360 and use them as 1 Storyline block in Rise it works. But then you have to place the assignment on 1 page and you have to use navigation buttons. I want them as 3 separate block on different locations in de Rise course. When I upload them as individual pages to Review 360 and use them as 3 separate Storyline block in Rise it don't work anymore. You can click on page 1 and 2 but you don't see any change on page 3. I can imagine that that won't work, but is there a way to get this to work?