Forum Discussion
Storyline block video not auto playing in Rise
Is there no way to override this?
Per Bilynda's question, disappointing to find out this option doesn't work when pulling in SL video to Rise. What does it mean that it won't autoplay in the first slide - is that first slide in Rise? Does it autoplay on others, just not the first?
- JoseTansengco12 months agoStaff
Hi Helen,
Happy to chime in!
Embedded Storyline 360 blocks won't automatically play if there is audio or video on the first slide of the course. One workaround is to place a blank or introduction slide at the very beginning of the course and then place any video or audio files on the second or succeeding slides.
Feel free to share a copy of your Storyline 360 *.story project file here if you need any help with applying this workaround!
- KarineMorris6699 months agoCommunity Member
I am trying to do that, but the video on my second slide won't play?? Any reason why??
- OlgaZinchenko9 months agoCommunity Member
Hi Jose,
I'm encountering the same issue as Karine - after publishing to Review 360, the video doesn't play on the second slide. Could you please help resolve this problem?